Revolutionary RTT® Therapy: The Science Behind its Lasting Results

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In the fields of mental health and personal development, Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) is a cutting-edge form of therapy known for its ability to deliver powerful and lasting results in a relatively short amount of time

RTT® is based on the science of Neuroplasticity and combines the most beneficial principles from Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Psychotherapy to address underlying causes, and provide a holistic approach to healing the mind, body, and spirit by helping people to change how they think and feel

The Creation of RTT®:

RTT® was developed by world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer, who has been working on perfecting this method for over three decades, and it is based on her extensive experience working with clients from various backgrounds and cultures. Drawing from her years of practice, Marisa identified the need for a therapy approach that could deliver significant results in a shorter period compared to traditional talk therapies. Through her deep understanding of the human mind and behaviour, she developed the RTT® method to address the root cause of issues and facilitate profound changes in clients.

The Science Behind RTT®:

RTT® is based on the latest scientific research of Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. By leveraging this principle, RTT® works to rewire neural pathways associated with negative beliefs, behaviours, and thought patterns.

RTT® works by accessing the subconscious mind, where deeply rooted beliefs and patterns are stored. Through the use of hypnosis, regression techniques, and cognitive restructuring, the therapist can bypass the critical faculty of the conscious mind and directly communicate with the subconscious. This allows for the rapid identification and transformation of limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, and unresolved emotions that may be blocking a person from living their best life.

How and Why RTT® Works:

RTT® works by empowering individuals to understand the root cause of their issues and reframe their beliefs and perspectives in a positive and empowering way. By addressing the underlying issues at a subconscious level, RTT® can create profound shifts in behaviours, emotions, and thought patterns. This leads to an enhanced sense of self-worth, confidence, and emotional well-being.

Think of it as a journey or an experience, in which the RTT® Therapist is the facilitator and you are the explorer of your mind. The RTT® Therapist is the guide who can shed light in your subconscious, to make you understand why you are the way you are, what you need in order to change, and achieve real change in the session.

Advantages of RTT® Over Other Therapies:

RTT® stands out from traditional talk therapy and other forms of therapy  due to its ability to deliver rapid and lasting results. With RTT®, clients typically experience significant improvements in just a few sessions, as opposed to months or even years of therapy with other modalities. The targeted and direct approach of RTT® enables clients to uncover and resolve core issues in a shorter timeframe, leading to quicker and more sustainable results.

Additionally, RTT®'s focus on subconscious reprogramming ensures that changes occur at a profound level, creating a solid foundation for long-lasting transformation.

RTT® is highly effective in treating a wide range of issues, including anxiety, phobias, trauma, addiction, low self-esteem, weight management, and more.

Long-Lasting Results of RTT®:

The results of RTT® are often reported as being long-lasting because the therapy addresses the root cause of the issue rather than just the symptoms

By transforming beliefs at a subconscious level, clients are able to create new neural pathways in the brain that support positive change and growth. This leads to sustainable improvements in behaviour, emotions, and overall well-being, by ensuring that changes occur at a profound level, creating a solid foundation for long-lasting transformation.

Issues RTT® Can Help With and Why:

RTT® always works with the root cause of an issue. Identifying the root cause and giving to the client that "aha!" moment is key. With 100% understanding of their mental wiring, people can decide to let go of traumas and limiting patterns by working directly with their subconscious mind. For that reason, RTT® can help resolve a wide range of issues, including but not limited to:

What to Expect in a Session with me

Please read what to expect before, during and after a session, by clicking here.


In conclusion, Rapid Transformational Therapy® is a powerful and transformative modality, which is using the science of Neuroplasticity to help people change how they think and feel. Its innovative approach, quick results, and long-lasting effects make it a highly effective option for those seeking healing and personal growth. 

By addressing the root cause of issues at a subconscious level, RTT® empowers individuals to break free from limitations and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance.

For that reason it offers fast and efficient results, giving people the Awareness, Freedom and Empowerment they need. 

Every case is different, but typically clients will need a process of 1 to 3 sessions per issue.

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